Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 08 2021
- Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Community Workshop: Learn the Basics of Google Meet
Learn Something New
Stay connected, even from a distance. Use Google Meet to have online meetings with coworkers, friends, or family. You’ll get tips on how to look and sound your best over Google Meet, plus learn how to chat and share your screen. This workshop is designed for learners who are new to digital tools. Step Up For Mental Health® will show you how to use it on a desktop/laptop and mobile devices. Come in and have fun learning technology.
Note: Closed captioning accessible.
Who should take this workshop?: Job Seekers, Students, Consultant/Solo-entrepreneur, New Learners
We believe in helping individuals who want to grow their skills, careers or support a new startup that can change the world. Learn new digital skills with us and our partner #GrowWithGoogle and join our workshops all year long. We work with communities in poverty who want to advance the skills needed in today’s workplace.
Want to take more of our webinars or classes? Connect with our on-demand, live online webinars, and in-person Step Up Peer Training Circles digital classes, workshops, and webinars, created to help adult learners advance their skills in a fun and educational way.
We’ll be hosting a free #GrowWithGoogle workshop to support our local community. Learners that are interested in growing their digital skills, are invited to come to learn how free tools & resource can help you grow → Registration Now!