Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 18 2021
- Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Day of Service: COVID-19 Relief: Day of Service Food Drive For Families Dealing with Mental Health Related Needs
Step Up For Mental Health supports families and communities in need dealing with mental health-related issues, including poverty. Our #GivingForward campaign is focusing on feeding families this year. We have partnered with the Presidential Inaugural Committee (nonpartisan) to support the Day of Service – MLK Day where we can give back to our communities during this time of needed COVID-19 relief.
Step Up For Mental Health goal since the pandemic has been to help families during hard times with basic needs. We have fed families, paid for mental health medications, paid for mental health therapy, given one-to-one peer support when individuals needed someone to talk to during times of stress. Via home drop-offs, food drives, and safe digital spaces. We know families are hungry during this time of need, so we want to help more families have essential nutrition.
We will be helping families pay for groceries in poverty areas in Chicago during the Day of Service and week. Join us and support our efforts of supporting families getting the necessary groceries in their local communities, who have been suffering thought-out this crisis. Let’s get to work! Join us for a way to get involved and support our cause.
Help support mental health-related issues by donating to Step Up For Mental Health. Text 44-321 #StepUpCOVID19
How to Volunteer:
Become a Champion Ambassador
Donate: Help Us Do More!
Text to Donate 44-321 – ‘DAYOFSERVICEFOOD’
Step Up For Mental Health®’s mission is to support, educate, and provide services to empower families living with the challenges of mental health disorders. We do this by providing a safe place to share stories and find support for others who are dealing with mental health disorders or caring for a family member with a mental illness. We believe that mental health issues impact social issues, including education, homelessness, and poverty. Step Up For Mental Health® strives to match families with resources to help move them toward a more productive life.
Additional Information on Meeting:
We use Google Meet and can hold 100 people. Best experience using Google Chrome Browser. Check your computer audio before meeting times for the best results.
Hourly Schedule
1:15 PM Day of Service Food Drive For Families
- 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
- Day of Service Food Drive For Families
Adrienne J. McCue
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