Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Mar 27 2021
- Time: 6:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Watch Party: Athletes Unlimited Volleyball (Week 5)
Step Up For Mental Health Watch Party on Saturdays!!
We are having a watch party for the Athletes Unlimited pro volleyball match off this Saturday! Join us as we celebrate our four players on their teams! (Blue and Orange) This last week we’ll cheer them on two times on Saturday! Bring your popcorn and your drink of choice! Scream, cheer, and celebrate our athletes as they play for Step Up For Mental Health® and supporting families dealing with mental health-related issues.
The events are two games starting at 5 pm CST – 7 pm CST and 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm CST.
We have 100 seats total to cheer on the players who are supporting Step Up For Mental Health®! We will stream the games via YouTube or Facebook. The ‘meeting link’ will be available the morning of the event, so register for the event and add it to your calendar! You will also get it in your email after you register.
Our players are Ebony Nwanebu, Karsta Lowe, Kelly Hunter and Kristy Wieser
We are supporting all teams, but our players will be on TeamOrange (Team De La Cruz) and TeamBlue (TeamLowe)
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