Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 27 2022
- Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Workshop: Let’s Talk About Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Mental Health
Mental health affects everyone but can present itself in diverse ways. In the workplace, commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) often fail to adequately ensure support for mental health challenges. Much of the time, mental health is overlooked and stigmatized, preventing many employees from seeking help or treatment. Moreover, mental health is experienced in different ways by different groups. In particular, minorities often experience worse mental health outcomes due to barriers such as cultural stigma and access to support and treatment.
Recent events such as Covid-19 health disparities and racial violence have further exacerbated the need to improve DEI initiatives. Here, we will discuss ways employers can improve mental health strategies.
About Our Step Up Peer Training Workshops: Connect with our on-demand, live online peer training, classes, and webinars, Step Up Peer Training Circles around the web, created to help adult learners advance their skills in a fun and educational way. Topics will range from Technology, Finance, Career Prep, Mindfulness & Meditation. This is a part of our Step Up Assistance Program and supporting community. Learn more about our local and online peer group events. This group is open, honest, and willing to share in a supportive environment. No judgment. Always kindness.
Step Up For Mental Health Provides Peer Support and Training
Providing Interactive Support and Services
Mental health touches a variety of groups and backgrounds. Our goal is to make life easier for all individuals and families dealing with mental health issues during stress and crisis or to have an educational experience.
We use Google Meet and can hold 100 people but most likely meetings will be between 5-25 people. Best experience using Google Chrome Browser. Check your computer audio before workshop times for the best results.
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